Home Ministry of Industry and pharmaceutical production

Ministry of Industry and pharmaceutical production


2, rue Ahmed Bey, Building Les Colisées, Bougara, El Biar, 16000, Algiers, Algeria.

Description of the Organization


Application for approval of an establishment manufacturing pharmaceutical products. [Service]

Application for approval of a pharmaceutical export establishment [Service]

Monthly declaration of import operations [Service]

Declaration of the status of products that have expired [Service]


Application for Approval of an establishment importing pharmaceutical products [Service]

Application for approval of a wholesale distribution of pharmaceutical products [Service]

Issuance of exercise decisions of a pharmacist Technical Director of a Pharmaceutical Establishment [Service]

Issue of official narcotics and psychotropic import certificates [Service]

Application for Approval of an establishment operating pharmaceutical products. [Service]

Declaration of Provisional Import Programs [Service]

Online appointment booking [Service]

Weekly declaration of stock status of pharmaceutical products [Service]

Annual declaration of provisional delivery programs production/import of drugs (finished products) [Service]

Provisional import program for pharmaceutical products and medical devices (PIP). [Procedure]

Certificate of regulation of import of pharmaceutical products and medical devices. [Procedure]

Clearance authorization for pharmaceutical products and medical devices (COVID 19). [Procedure]

Official import certificate for substances and medicines with narcotic and/or psychotropic properties (OIC) [Procedure]

Official Export Certificate for substances and drugs with narcotic and/or psychotropic properties (OEC) [Procedure]

Transport and distribution of substances and drugs with narcotic and/or psychotropic properties [Procedure]

Import of pharmaceutical products for clinical trials. [Procedure]

Approval of an establishment of a company specializing in medical and scientific information [Procedure]

License to operate pharmaceutical products and medical devices [Procedure]

Wholesale distribution license for pharmaceutical products and medical devices [Procedure]