Home Religious Affairs Permission to print the Holy Quran

Permission to print the Holy Quran

Organization Concerned

Ministry of Religious Affairs and Wakfs

Structure Concernned


Target Population



Religious Affairs

The administrative file for the printing of the Holy Quran must be filed together with a copy of the Holy Quran that is being printed.

Conditions of award:

Complete and compliant file.

Institution or department concerned:

Direction of Koranic Education and Koranic Competitions.

Documents requested:

  • a copy of the Holy Quran object of printing.
  • a request for the track concerned by the import.
  • a copy of the trade register

Processing times:

06 months .

When and how is delivered:

at the level of the direction of Koranic education and Koranic competitions.

Period of validity of the document issued:

Five years.

Legal anchoring:

Executive Decree No. 17-09 of 5 Rabie Ethani 1438 corresponding to 4 January 2017 setting the conditions and modalities of prior authorization for the import of religious books.