Home Law-Justice Request for copies of acts of the courts of Islamic law Al-Mahakim El-Sharia

Request for copies of acts of the courts of Islamic law Al-Mahakim El-Sharia

Organization Concerned

Ministry of Justice

Structure Concernned


Target Population




The Ministry of Justice safeguards some of the documents rendered by the courts "of Muslim law" drawn up during the period from 1920 to February 1975. These acts concern the status of persons and their personal status, such as marriage, divorce, wills, donations, etc.

An official copy of one of these acts may be obtained from the Ministry of Justice or any court (court or tribunal) at any point in the national territory.

Conditions of award:

Any person entitled to an act issued by the courts of Muslim law may request an official copy of this document by doing one of the following:

1. Go to the Ministry of Justice, located in El Biar (8, Place Bir Hakem, El Biar 16003 Algiers), 

2. Send the request by post to the Central Administration of the Ministry of Justice (Directorate of Legal Studies and Documentation - Sub-Directorate of Documentation and Archives) at the address mentioned above, 

3. Submit the request via the Internet, filling out the form dedicated to this purpose with his personal data and data related to the act, as well as indicating the entity from which he wishes to receive the copy of the requested document (Ministry of Justice or jurisdiction (Court or Court) of his choice).

Note: In the three cases above, the application is accompanied by proof of identity and any document justifying the relationship for the beneficiaries as well as any document (if applicable) containing data relating to the requested document. 

Institution or department concerned:

Ministry of Justice (Directorate of Legal Studies and Documentation - Sub-Directorate of Documentation and Archives)

Documents requested:

Copy of the national identity document and any document proving the family relationship for the beneficiaries.

Processing times:

A maximum period of fifteen (15) days from the date of receipt of the request filed at the headquarters of the Ministry of Justice, or transmitted by post or via the Internet.

When and how is delivered:

The person concerned shall appear, within the aforementioned time limits, before the entity (Ministry of Justice or court) chosen by him to withdraw the copy of the document, which is the subject of his request.

This document is issued to him against delivery of a copy of his national identity document and signature on the remittance register opened for this purpose.

Period of validity of the document issued:

The period of validity of this document is not limited.

Legal anchoring:

Executive Decree No. 04-333 of 24 October 2004 on the organization of the central administration of the Ministry of Justice.