Home Entrprises Management Establishment of the decision granting an advantage in the implementation phase, Signing of an unremunerated loan Agreement, and promissory notes

Establishment of the decision granting an advantage in the implementation phase, Signing of an unremunerated loan Agreement, and promissory notes

Organization Concerned

Ministry of Knowledge Economy, Startups and Micro Enterprises

Structure Concernned

National Agency for Support and Development of Entrepreneurship (ANADE)

Target Population




the establishment of the decision of granting advantage in the implementation phase (DOAR)in order to benefit from financial aid and tax advantages, as well as the signature of the agreement of an unremunerated loan, and the promissory bills for the financing of the project. this stage intervenes after the legal creation of the microenterprise, the establishment of the contract of adhesion to the Guarantee Fund payment of the personal contribution and the visit of the pre-financing

Grant conditions:

In Progress


Institution or service concerned:

In Progress


Asked documents :

In Progress


Treatment delays :


In Progress


When and how the delivery takes place:

In Progress


Duration of validity of the document issued:

In Progress